Anyway, yesterday Debbie and I were able to complete not one, but TWO kits each! These projects had been on the go for quite a few weeks, so I was very excited to see them finally come together. Here are a few photos of our Session yesterday, enjoy!!
These are the four heads, after hair rooting, styling and now awaiting attaching to the bodies. The two blondies are mine. The two brown haired babies are Debbie's.
My two blond babies... I wanted a bit of a curl/wave to these and thanks to Debbie, they turned out just as I had hoped.
Chloe... Finished!!! This kit is the Chloe kit, and I love the name so decided to stick with that. Chloe comes complete with an anatomically correct tummy and tushy plate. The photos aren't the best, as the light was shocking last night! (It was snowing in the hills not far from us, but we had rain, and it was bitterly cold!)
Aww thats better, Chloe all snuggly and warm now. This suite is actually too small for her so my Mum will be coming tomorrow to re-dress the babies... her favourite job!!
Chloe is 4lb 8oz and 21" long.
This is Debbie's and my Chloe kits. Debbie has re-named her doll "Ruby Mae"..................... and here is Chloe wearing her hat, Mum's going to HATE this. lol.
The 2nd kit we completed was the "Kaya" kit. I was really happy with how this one turned out, her name is now "Jade". As you can see, she is too big for this outfit, so tomorrow she too will have a wardrobe change.
Jade is 4lb 4oz and 22" long.
This is Debbie's Kaya kit, and sorry I don't remember what she has named her. Don't you love her outfit!!
The Two Kaya Kits. Mine is the one on the right, "Jade".
.... and finally, my two girls snuggled up on the sofa at Debbie's waiting to go home!
Here is Debbie's two girls, snuggled on the lounge. Can you tell I had an AWESOME day?????

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