
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Nelly the Elephant........

Oh dear, now that song is going to be stuck in my head AGAIN!! ;-)

Tonight's punch art on Swap Sisters was a simple one, we created Nelly the Elephant!! As we are focusing on Children this month, I thought this might be a neat project that can be used for either a boy or a girl. Also with the school holidays, it might be nice to have a couple of easier projects that the younger ones can join in on.

If you would like to join in with our online punch art classes, then do come along to Swap Sisters on a Tuesday evening, 7pm NZ (5pm AEST) and again at 9:30pm NZ (7:30pm AEST).

Contact Sue Denning for an invite to join Swap Sisters. It is an invite only site.

If you would like to know more about Swap Sisters then please do contact either Sue or myself ( ) and we can tell you more about what we have to offer.

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  1. Oh so cute Anne. Love Nellie the efalant and her little monkey friends. Great class - thanks

  2. that is seriously cute not that I know who Nellie is

  3. Nellie's so cute, I love this card I think I'm going to have to get more punches....x

  4. Love it love it love it ..offf he went with a trumpety trump trump trump trump trump :)

  5. Oh Anne, we think Nellie is so cute! Might be on the list of things to do these holidays. Thank you for sharing.
